Those 10 indie vinyls you want
You might already know from this post that this family is obsessed with vinyls. We are currently looking for a new record player because the one we have is, well, a touch old - but it's still doing the job so I've set it up in the bedroom (the ultimate room to hibernate in, right?). Recently I've been on a discovery route for new music - which also means a couple new vinyls to add to the collection. And because it's sometimes a little hard to find good music AND good vinyl art work I thought why not share my favourite finds with you! Here's 9 of my new favourite indie discoveries - they would also make a damn good Christmas present, just saying.

1 Belle and Sebastian: Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance (buy here)
2 The Pollies: Not Here (buy here)
3 The Domestics: The Domestics (buy here)
4 Grave With No Name: Feathers Wet Under The Moon (buy here)
5 Kitty, Daisy & Lewis: The Third (buy here)
6 Ivan & Alyosha: It's All Just Pretend (buy here)
7 Hauschka: 2.11.14 (buy here)
8 The Lonesome Trio: The Lonesome Trio (buy here)
Great FatherBicentennial Blue (buy here)

What have you been listening to lately?
Those 9 indie vinyls you didn't know you wanted
