You might remember this post with a load of workspace inspiration, right? Interestingly enough it inspired me to put a little more effort into my own workspace and taadaah - this is what it looks like at the moment.

Over the past 8 months or so of living on my own I have become a little bit of a neat freak. I guess it's just inevitable because living on your own means all mess is your responsibility hence you always strive for the no mess policy throughout the week. At least I do. The less mess the less cleaning up. Simples. All my bills, university transcripts, job offers - these all have their place in one of my folders (I labelled them with my Dymo label maker - as you do) because piles of paper is my worst workspace nightmare. I also found a space for my printer, hurray! And even popped in a pretty plant to brighten up the space a little. As I've already mentioned in the post about my bedroom (read here), I have become addicted to the new George at Asda homeware range. As you can see I managed to get my hands on their terrarium (click here - these seem to sell out quicker than hotcakes!) however I'm still looking for some cute succulents to go in it!

If you're looking for marble background for your blog pictures - look no more. Another pick from George at Asda is this glass chopping board with marble pattern (click here). Not only it looks pretty but it's also functional as I put my hot tea on it and any snacks I happen to bring up to this room (naughty, I know). The Botanical print is from Paperchase and was dead cheap - something like £3.50? It's such a good quality too - now it just needs a wooden plank on the top & bottom to give it a little more shape! The chest of drawers is from IKEA and houses all my make-up, skincare, basically everything beauty you can think of from lipsticks & nail polishes to hair dryer & self-tanners. The grey box on top of the chest of drawers has all my jewellery in it and I got it from TK Maxx last year. The freaky phrenology head is also from Asda (last year's collection - but they do have a black version in this year's collection too!) and the even freakier hand is from TK Maxx if I remember right and I store my rings on it.

What does your workspace look like?
Is it neat or a creative chaos?