Uni is officially over, so expect this week to be one big ketchup (haha, I'm so hilarious - get it right? ketchup! oh well). I really wanna finish the fashion challenge which I've started at the beginning of this month, because I found really motivating and fun! Here we go then - today with my brightest lipstick!
It definitely has to be Topshop - All About Me! Such a bright hot pink colour with matte-ish finish, which I would have never thought that would suit me. Well, and now I have it, I really do believe it does suit me well, it makes a really nice vivid contrast between its colour, my skin tone & my dark hair!
Lesson of the day therefore is: don't be scared of unbelievably bright colours, which you wouldn't normally wanna get anywhere near to, because they might actually compliment your features more than goin all nude!
What I find a real pain was taking pictures of the shade. You can actually see that every single snap I've included makes the colour look different, oh wells. In reality I'd describe it as a deep vivid fuchsia/hot pink. Oh, and it's got the craziest lasting power ever! It stays on my lips for HOURS and even when I wipe it off, it seems to leave a pink-toned stain on my lips for the rest of the day, woah!
What's your favourite lipstick at the moment?