I ain't no chef or gardener but sometimes I like to pretend I am. And sometimes just sometimes I make it look like I'm rather excellent at both. Like today. Me & Shaun have been caring for our little garden allotment for a few months now and finally, oh finally it has started returning the favour. Amongst loads of chives, a decent amount of strawberries and some spring onions we have also harvested a basket-full of rocket. Yes. A basket-full. All at once. Now since we are le gardener beginners we had no idea what 'sow thinly' meant until this day. Can't really blame us, can you? But now we are stuck with a ridiculous amount of rocket and no will to be eating rocket salad for next two weeks. Rocket pesto is the solution here, dear friends.
- 50g rocket
- 25g pine nuts
- 75g Parmesan cheese
- 1 lemon
- 1 clove of garlic
- virgin olive oil
- salt & pepper
1. Shove everything into a food processor. 2. Chop. 3. Add salt & pepper to taste. 4. Serve your homemade pesto! Store in the fridge.
Prep time: 10Cook time: Total time: 10Yield: 2 small jarsFollow