At the beginning of the week I posted about little treats from Poundland that took my breath away and today came the day to reveal whether these were quids well spent or not. Should you still stalk your Poundland shelves for that little bit of Stila

I'm just not a foundation type of girl. I love my BB creams and it's hard to convince me that foundation will do better for my skin. Because it most likely won't. I own one (yes, one! and call myself a beauty blogger!... or do I? ha!) foundation (obviously a very liquidy one), so coming across a powder foundation (which implies it provides moisture for my skin?!) is well, simply beyond my understanding. This is the palest shade (and a refill), so I will wait until winter, read a lot of reviews and guides and will tell you what this foundation is like then. So far I can say that it doesn't have a particular scent to it, it seems to provide a fair coverage to my skin and that I need to find a compact to store it in. I'm thinkin a nice vintage one off E-bay?  

Ha, that was a bit of a redundant ramble about the first product, but you've got a swatch there! The next up is well worth the money! This hair refresher (yeeh, you probably right that it's just a posh name for a dry shampoo..) is such a strange but amazing thing. Everyone is crazy about the Batiste smell, and I agree. It smells, well, nice. But this ladies, this smells like flowers and butterflies! It has got quite a strange 'pump', which squirts out the powder when you press the bottle. Someone might find it a bit difficult I guess, but I find it much more pleasant for my scalp than spraying aerosol on it. Batiste sometimes tends to make my scalp feel all tingly and frozen (although I probably spray it from too up-close so I'm the one to blame), but this just saves me the trouble and after a few squirts you get the grip and it works really nice. It has got a similar feeling like your regular dry shampoo - sorta sticky at first, then pretty dirty (don't tell me that your hair actually feels fresh pffft!), but looking all de-greased and smelling lush! Definitely something you NEED to pick up in Poundland!

And now to my little favourite - the oil-free sheer colour tinted moisturizer. I'm not sure how oil free it is, as my skin is rather on the dry side, and I'm not too sure about the moisturizing capability of this little thing, but it does look so nice on my skin! I've got the shade light (03) and I think it gives my skin the most natural looking tan! You know when you've got a natural tan on your body but your face just looks so pale because you keep exfoliating it and slapping all sorts on it? This sorts it out! Even the boyfriend commented how healthy and naturally tanned my face looked! And that's something that counts right? You need quite a bit to rub it in your skin evenly and I'd recommend you really do work it into your skin properly, as it can leave you with an odd streak, but the result is really worth it! The coverage is not amazing, but hey - it's a sheer colour! By the way, the packaging looks so meh, that I can just agree with discontinuing this - if I paid over £20 for this dull gray plastic tube, I'd be a bit annoyed to be fair! Stila, put the product in a better bottle and you've got a hit!

You can see in the picture above what nice colour it gives to my skin! And for just a pound! (I didn't have any other concealer on so you can see my amaze dark circles, eh) If you find this in Poundland & you do have skin tone similar to mine, do not hesitate & pick it up!

Have you tried some Stila from Poundland?
What are your thoughts on it?