I've never been too keen on tags (despite all of them starting as fun they always end up a bit of a bore, don't they!) however my recent discovery of the mighty Wayback Machine has resulted in not just a mere joining in onto a tag - but creating my very own! The Wayback Machine is basically a chunky (oh so chunky!) internet archive where you can find snaps of every single websites ever created from way way back then! The archive crawls your blog every now & then (about once a month), takes a photo of it and saves it on the server. You can then go onto the Wayback Machine and look up literally any website you can think of at any point of time of its existence. What better way to reminisce about your good 'ol blog?
As the years went...
📅🖥 2012
I started blogging in the late 2011 however there's not a lot of left from those times both on my blog and in the gears of the Wayback Machine. Life was all about that simple template and moustaches and I firmly believed that making everything look like it was written on a typewriter made it look more authentic. I couldn't grasp why a typewriter wasn't a synonym to a blog. I used to review Poundland make-up (one nail polish at a time) and I didn't know what Instagram was. Was there even Instagram in 2012?!📅🖥 2013
2013 was the year of that trendy left-column template. I also moved from the university halls into my first flat. I was trying to get that crisp white IKEA feel to both the flat & blog. The colours started to creep back in though, the moustache went and I discovered how to add pretty fonts onto my computer. Can you believe all my photos were edited in PhotoFiltre? Does that still exist? 2013 was also the year I started working with brands properly and it swept me off my feet - you can get free make-up if you write about it? WHAT?!
📅🖥 2014
This template was of dreams - I absolutely loved it and it made me feel dead special. Until someone else ripped it off and because it was a free template I couldn't do a thing. It was difficult saying bye to this one because I felt like it shot me up into the real world of blogging. 2014 was the year I enjoyed blogging the most - it became an essential part of my life. Before work, after work (whilst I was at work, shhhh!) and the blog life was great.
📅🖥 2015
This year was a bit plain for my blog - there was too much going on in the real life of Tereza. Moving into a new house, getting a new job, breaking up relationships that sucked, starting new ones that made even Gregg's sausage rolls worth it. The blog was neat however the template set it back a notch - it didn't stand out and you could easily brush it under the carpet as one of those 529473828039 blogs.
📅🖥 2016
And then the break through year came. For many 2016 was a dogshite kind of year to say the least. And it was for me too - in many ways.
For my blog it was the best year so far. At the beginning of 2016 I got back on top of it - I wrote, and wrote, and wrote. I started focusing on my SEO, made a media kit and started really engaging with those reading my blog.
When the latter half the year started approaching I switched up the template to something more exciting - more current, more responsive - less boring. I took up yoga, online courses, going to the gym. I said bye to a job that kept me in a rut lacking in creativity and freedom of thinking. I said fuck off to another job that sucked balls.
📅🖥 2017
And it all paid off. I've become a full-time blogger.
At the very end of 2016 I bagged a damn beautiful template (the first ever custom made template on Cityscape Bliss) that reflects the direction I'm going in. With focus on mindfulness, exploration and contentment, this blog is now a place where you can find everything that I keep dear to my heart: advice on blogging, whims of feline life, tips on where to eat in Birmingham, places you need to visit, advice on all things beauty & style, you can join me on my yogi journey, try one of my DIYs or get inspired by my way too vintage home decor. Or even cook the dinner I had yesterday. It's as complex as it gets and I'm hoping to bring you more useful & inspiring content throughout 2017!
I hope you've enjoyed reading this & now...
Copy & paste the URL of your blog into the Wayback Machine (click here) & share your blog memories! If you do, don't forget to tweet me @ cityscapebliss and leave a comment below this post, I'll be doing a round up post of my favourites in a couple of weeks!