We've already talked about cosying up your home with various lighting solutions here. But that's not all - you could have the sweetest, most adorable fairy lights with actual fairies throwing around rainbow dust but if your room's not a curated sanctuary of yours then it's just gonna look (and feel) utter pants. The ultimate cosiness belongs to the bedroom, especially when it's bloody freezing outside - so how do I achieve it?
What are the ultimate ingredients to creating a cosy snug bedroom?
💤 Surround yourself with stories
Especially in winter I tend to load the bedroom shelves with books - being an introvert I find it relaxing when I'm surrounded by stories I can peak into every now & then. And it's not just books that work that way - it's old photographs (how adorable are my vintage kitten postcards I got at the Covent Garden antique market though?), retro posters, pictures (those black & white portraits were done by my brother a few years back) and even listening to audiobooks on the turntable (ours is an old Crosley - similar to this one).
💤 Add a touch of greenery
Plants are everything - I fully accept that I have way too many in this house and I have (kind of) slowed down at adding new specimens but it still fills me with joy whenever I find a new ficus plant I haven't seen before (yes, I'm still collecting all 500 of them - as per my promise here). Even one plant makes a difference though so why not try a little cactus or two? And if you're extra greedy then IKEA's got you covered with these cacti triple packs.
💤 Don't scrimp on the bedding
If you remember me writing about this bedding set then you must have been reading this blog for a while. I first mentioned it here - more than a year and a half ago! We have about 3-4 different sets which we alternate and this is definitely the most used one yet it's managed to stay almost intact! You can get it here (it's on sale now!). This year we got some faux mohair cushions to match the bedding - cream & red ones (get them here - also on sale at the moment!) and they are the softest little things! I get a fresh white sheet every so often because we use it with every single bedding set (and because fake tan and white sheets just don't go together) - the one we have at the moment is from here and it's much better than the one we had from IKEA before. This will sound dead grown up but the thread count matters! So get yourself a nice soft bedding set, a comfy sheet that won't scratch your baby butt and maybe even a nice snuggly furry throw (ours is a Cynthia Rowley one from TKMaxx).
💤 The sound (& smell) of a rainforest
Yeah - not literally. I'm not too keen on those 'Sound of the rainforest' albums to be honest with you. I prefer a good album of the usual kind. Like Fleetwood Mac or Red Hot Chilli Peppers. What also works great at calming me before sleep is a spritz of a relaxing room spray. I either use the one that I've made here, this one from Rituals or the Pink Blossom deodorant spray from eness (I wrote about them here) which smells like baby powder - a scent I find really comforting.
💤 Let the kids cats in
Not sure about the kids but I say let the cats in. Or any other fluffy pet you might have! Cookie is not a big snuggler so he usually just graces us with his presence for about 5 minutes, gets his treats (really the only reason he bothered to show up in the first place) and goes back downstairs where it's a bit cooler, less crowded and where his sofa is (yeah, we can call it his - he's got the dibs on it like 24/7). Pippin is a real snuggle cat though! She loves to sleep under the duvet with just her front paws and head poking out, ideally being spooned by one of us whilst the other one is holding her paw. If someone told me their cat does it I'd SO not believe them either. Not even the softest faux fur cushion can substitute the pink beans & purry noise of Pippin's though. FACT.
What's your recipe for a cosy bedroom?
