Blogging has become such an incredibly competitive industry - it's the most creative it's ever been but it's also the toughest. There's a lot of criticism from bloggers, of bloggers... People judge you for not trying hard enough, people judge you for trying too hard. One thing that I've always enjoyed about blogging - literally since day one - is the process of self-improvement. And not even the most critical of people can bash that! Over the years I've learnt that you can find just about everything, every hack, every tip on the interwebs. Whatever you can think of - someone else has already been there, done that, perfected it. And you can learn from it, shape it here & there, add it a little something something - make it yours. Make it work for you. I've collected these 50 FREE blog resources which I'm positive you will love & will be able to use next time you're revamping or just tweaking your blog!
This blog post used to be bookmark-able but from my own experience I've found out that I prefer when I can download resources like this for safekeeping rather than having to come over and over again to this page.
The list includes:
📓 Blog planners to download
📓 Clever bloggers to learn from
📓 Useful tools
📓 Social media hacks
📓 Money making techniques
📓 Blog post inspiration
📓 Easy blog tweaks
📓 Courses & training resources
📓 Tips for starting bloggers
📓 More inspiration & ideas
Where do you usually look for free blog resources & tips?
Share your advice in the comments below!
If this has helped you please don't forget to share with your blogger friends!
FollowIf this has helped you please don't forget to share with your blogger friends!