The language of flowers: what do tulips, daisies & roses REALLY mean?
Over the past couple of days the internet has been literally flooded by Valentine's Day blog posts and articles of all sorts. Yup, it's happening. Again. This might surprise you but I love the idea of Valentine's Day. Although not many people might be aware of this, St Valentine's Day is in fact a Christian day of remembrance of Valentinus. According to legend, Valentinus was a priest who was performing weddings for people who were forbidden to get married (eg soldiers). He was later imprisoned and sentenced to death. Whilst in prison he fell in love with his jailers daughter and before he was executed he wrote a letter to her which he signed 'Your Valentine'. What a heartbreaking story! I don't particularly appreciate the whole commercialisation of the day however I do love sharing flowers and sweets with the ones I care about. Sweets are quite straightforward but flowers can be a little tricky! Did you know that each flower has a different meaning?

Carnation - pride & beauty 
(pink - never ending love; yellow - cheerfulness, red - admiration)
Rose - love
Sunflower - dedication
Chrysanthemum - joy
(yellow - secret love, white - truth, bronze - excitement)
Ivy - fidelity
Daisy - innocence & purity
Gerbera - innocence & cheerfulness 
Peony - happy life, happy marriage & prosperity
Orchid - delicate beauty
Daffodil - chivalry
Pansy - loving thoughts
Lily - modesty
Tulip - perfect love
Lilac - innocence (purple - first love)
Hydrangea - heartfelt emotions
Hyacinth - playfulness 

I hope you find this little list of flower meanings helpful when choosing this year's Valentine's Day bouquet. The bouquet above which is definitely a safe option (the flowers in it would be associated with innocence, cheerfulness and never ending love), but if you're looking for a more out-there Valentine's bouquet, have a look on the Valentine's range from Blossoming Gifts (click here), their bouquets (as you may have already noticed!) are my favourite - they are such a good quality and last for 2+ weeks!

Oh, and please keep in mind that some flowers carry negative meaning - for example lavender (although it is my favourite flower!) is associated with distrust! And the language of flowers sometimes differs from culture to culture too, so be aware when picking a bouquet for your favourite person!    

The language of flowers: what do tulips, daisies & roses REALLY mean?
The language of flowers: what do tulips, daisies & roses REALLY mean?
