I'm not a swimmer. When someone asks me whether I can swim, I just blush & mutter a silent 'no' under my breath. But the thing is - I've been learning. For past two months I've been going to the swimming pool at least once or twice a week. It's a ridiculously intense exercise & dedication, I'm not gonna lie, but it's better than sitting at home on my butt & then spending summer holidays stuck at a hotel swimming pool, right? Let me share a few tips I've picked up so far at my local swimming pool!
💦 Don't be scared!
I may have already pointed this out - but definitely haven't emphasised it enough: I'm a crap swimmer. And every single time I mention it while in the swimming pool I can see the lifeguard get up & come over to my side of the pool (they can hear everything!). It's not a big deal, there are a lot of people who can't swim very well (or at all) so admitting you're not the strongest of swimmers is actually quite alright. Once you know you're moves (eg me - I know the theory, it just goes downhill once I get to the deep side of the swimming pool as I start panicking and forget how to swim - tut tut) you just have to practise. The more I've been practising the more comfortable (and less scared) I feel in the water. True story.
💦 Don't drink/breathe in the water (or pee in it)
Seriously - one would think this is such an obvious thing. Well it's not. I only realized that I kept swimming with my mouth open after a few pints of chlorine water. Which is gross (if you didn't know). I think it was all the stress & concentration but either way - I make damn sure I keep it shut after that episode. And don't piss in it you dirty skunk!
💦 Swim in the right direction!
Why don't the swimming pool people understand that a swimming direction is a thing?! Before you jump in head first observe the bloody swimming pool for just 2 seconds. You'll either see a sign telling you which direction or you will see some people trying to swim in that direction - or you just keep it clockwise. Clear? Some people in my local swimming pool actually swim across the width of the swimming pool - I can't even - are these people real?! (yeh they very real - every Saturday and Sunday in Walsall swimming baths, thank you very much)
💦 Get a one piece swimsuit for Christ's sake!
I'm not gonna lie - I used to be one of them. One of those girl who can't be bothered to get a one piece swimsuit just for the few times she goes to an indoor swimming pool (as opposed to a lake or a hotel swimming pool in Egypt). I finally got my one piece about two weeks back & let me tell you - it's so much more comfortable! SO SO COMFORTABLE! It makes me look a bit like a boy (it flattens your boobs to zero) however mine has got a cat on it and only cost a fiver, and that makes my morning swims worth it, yes!
💦 Find a suitable after-chlorine moisturiser
That is a difficult one, ladies & gents. Oil (my holy grail moisturisers) don't seem to work on my dry chlorine soaked skin. I was actually a little terrified when I figured that out - the dread when the divinely scented Nuxe oil doesn't work, urgh! Thanks to the guys at E45 (which I wouldn't normally pick up - let's just say it now: the packaging is not the most impressive, right) I had the E45 Intense Recovery lotion on my back pocket. Hallelujah! What a life saver - it's not even as thick as it sounds - it's just really nourishing and rich once it's sunken into the skin which is exactly what you want after your 30 laps of chlorine exposure. (read more about their moisturisers & how they work for various skin conditions).
Do you do any sports yourself?
Leave your tips for swimmers beginners in the comments below!
💠E45 have kindly sent me their moisturiser to try, the lack of swimming skills and an unhealthy obsession with cat gifs is however my very own.