Yes, I woke up & decided to take a picture of myself. Just like that - with no make-up, no shiz. And it's definitely not because I think I look oh so fit in the morning, no way. It's because yesterday at around 9pm I found myself in Asda browsing through their George PJ collection. You know, the usual thing you do after work on Saturday night. To my surprise I found a graduate fashion week line with new 'designer' pieces - for Asda prices. Get in!
The print I was drawn to most in the whole collection is the one by Mary Walker. I think there might be more graduates than just her designing pieces for George at the moment because I've noticed a few other prints in the collection. Anyways, her print is simply stunning! These bottoms are made of material that feels like satin and apart from the gorgeous floral pattern, there's a black string rim at the waist part which gives almost an oriental feel to it. Seriously, how pretty are they, and they are really comfy too!
Mary Walker has got quite a line goin' on in Asda at the moment - I'd buy every single thing if I had the spare money - the print for some reason works very 'zen' on me, which is exactly what I need (I' goin' doctor's tomorrow thanks to a suspected stress-induced gastritis, how feckin' brilliant is that! *le sigh*).
Lately I've been listening to Birdy a little bit too much and because I don't want you to miss out on her wonderful voice you can listen to People help the people now. It's a rather sad tune yet very calming at the same time (does it make sense?).
What's your on-repeat song at the moment?
Hope you're having a great Sunday everyone!