This post is for the nosey ones, for the ones like me. I'm always a bit hesitant to show what's in my handbag/make-up bag, what's in my make-up collection, what's in my wardrobe, my fridge.. It feels like a slight privacy invasion to be fair - in both ways. Why would anyone really want to know what's in my drawers, but also - who am I to be serving you the insides of my cupboards on a plate?! Ridiculous. But also very tempting. Let's be a little hypocritical today me thinks & have a peek into my make-up bag. It's got kittens on it, so it might be worth it, right?
Before I got this uber cute Paul & Joe kitten make-up bag off Asos, I had all my make-up either scattered at the bottom of my handbag or about to jump out of my definitely-way-too-small make-up bag I won in a Giveaway about a year or two ago. *bless* Now having this little tidy-sidy (who got the reference? haha!) my whole life seems so much more organized! Not really - but at least (so far) I've managed to avoid soaking my train tickets in perfume AND concealer (that happened, true story). Before I hear exclamations of utter disgust that I'm a hoarder and I don't need this much crap in my bag - I do, okay? I'm the one who's gonna get all scoliotic and bent from carrying a ton of make-up on my shoulder.
First of all - I always need to have a little moisturizer with me. I get this random nose-cheek-chin flakiness from time to time (I blame the air con at work), and it's just impossible to deal with it without a good moisturizer. The one I've been using lately is the Weleda Wild Rose day cream. The tiniest thing ever and saves your life when it comes to it! Just in case I get a hysterical crying fit I have a little sample of my everyday BB cream on me - Ginvera BB Cream, and the Garnier roll-on concealer to hide the black under eye bags if I'm sleep deprived (which is a little more often than I'd like lately). The best thing ever to have on you when you get tired and yawny at work is the MUA Pro-Base fixing mist. Not only that it wakes you up, but it does refresh your make-up throughout the day nicely! On that note, I always have got a few perfume samples on me - lately I've been loving the Bahoma ones *sniff sniff*. I don't mean to sound like a grumpy negative shiz, but no blush can last my morning shift (wake up at 5am and get home by 5pm). I quite like using the Benefit tints with this flat top MUA brush. For work I don't tend to wear too much eye make-up, so I just pop on a black eyeliner (and carry it on my in case my eye gets itchy or watery!), and the MeMeMe Arch Angel to comb my wild brows. As to my lips - I always have to have a good lip balm on me - this Balm Balm smells like roses and is apparently 100% organic! In addition to that, I always carry a nude & a pink lipstick together with a nude or pink gloss. My favourite ones are from Topshop! Finally, a few extra bobby pins are a must together with a decent hand cream - can't go wrong with one from Bliss for 49p from a charity shop, right?
Before I got this uber cute Paul & Joe kitten make-up bag off Asos, I had all my make-up either scattered at the bottom of my handbag or about to jump out of my definitely-way-too-small make-up bag I won in a Giveaway about a year or two ago. *bless* Now having this little tidy-sidy (who got the reference? haha!) my whole life seems so much more organized! Not really - but at least (so far) I've managed to avoid soaking my train tickets in perfume AND concealer (that happened, true story). Before I hear exclamations of utter disgust that I'm a hoarder and I don't need this much crap in my bag - I do, okay? I'm the one who's gonna get all scoliotic and bent from carrying a ton of make-up on my shoulder.
First of all - I always need to have a little moisturizer with me. I get this random nose-cheek-chin flakiness from time to time (I blame the air con at work), and it's just impossible to deal with it without a good moisturizer. The one I've been using lately is the Weleda Wild Rose day cream. The tiniest thing ever and saves your life when it comes to it! Just in case I get a hysterical crying fit I have a little sample of my everyday BB cream on me - Ginvera BB Cream, and the Garnier roll-on concealer to hide the black under eye bags if I'm sleep deprived (which is a little more often than I'd like lately). The best thing ever to have on you when you get tired and yawny at work is the MUA Pro-Base fixing mist. Not only that it wakes you up, but it does refresh your make-up throughout the day nicely! On that note, I always have got a few perfume samples on me - lately I've been loving the Bahoma ones *sniff sniff*. I don't mean to sound like a grumpy negative shiz, but no blush can last my morning shift (wake up at 5am and get home by 5pm). I quite like using the Benefit tints with this flat top MUA brush. For work I don't tend to wear too much eye make-up, so I just pop on a black eyeliner (and carry it on my in case my eye gets itchy or watery!), and the MeMeMe Arch Angel to comb my wild brows. As to my lips - I always have to have a good lip balm on me - this Balm Balm smells like roses and is apparently 100% organic! In addition to that, I always carry a nude & a pink lipstick together with a nude or pink gloss. My favourite ones are from Topshop! Finally, a few extra bobby pins are a must together with a decent hand cream - can't go wrong with one from Bliss for 49p from a charity shop, right?
Have you written a blog post on what's in your make-up bag?
Leave me a link below in the comments & I'll have a nosey read!