You might remember me moaning about having a little break-out following my attempt to use Benefit's Porefessional - which was a massive fail. Ew. Since then I've been having a few random spots that won't go away, what a pain in the bum! It's obviously not enough that I've been trying to get fit for my holidays, now I had to add a few little bolt-ons for a clear skin too! *sigh* Luckily, Viridian Clear Skin Collection* crossed my path at the right time together with the little magical Chia seeds. So how has this clear skin regime been working so far? Read on!
I'm rubbish at taking supplements, I have to say. It's enough for me to take my pill every day *bleurgh*. So making the whole skin supplement regime a little more bearable & rather incorporated into my usual eating habits was one of my priorities. Viridian Clean Skin Collection (£36.71) comprises of three products - Clear Skin Complex, Organic Clear Skin Omega Oil & The Clear Skin Cookbook.
The Clear Skin Complex comes in a form of 60 capsules and contains a blend of targeted botanicals as well as probiotics and other fresh-skin-inducing ingredients. Every day you take 1-2 capsules and it should help your skin from break outs as well as blemishes and skin tone issues. I've been taking a capsule a day for past 2 weeks or so (I've been that good!) and although I'm unsure how much these capsules have contributed to the overall improvement of my skin (since I've combined it with the oil & seeds), they have definitely improved my digestive system. About 5 years ago I was diagnosed with something similar to a mild form of IBS (in fact it's some random inherited growth on one of the tubes goin' into my tummy *awkward*), so I should be taking probiotics every day and being careful with my food to avoid tummy aches, but I'm a lazy git & sometimes tend to go without them, erm. These capsules has definitely helped though and it makes me feel a bit more motivated to take them when I know they are improving more than just my naughty tum!
The Organic Clear Skin Omega Oil is another great helper on the way to not only clearer skin but also improved digestive system. I've already mentioned before that I prefer oils to creams and lotions and the same goes for eating - I always have got at least two bottles of olive oil on hand together with a load of different flavoured cooking oils. I was a little bit sceptical because when I hear 'omega oil' I imagine smelly fishy cod oil - luckily, this one is not strong at all. The Clear Skin Cookbook gives you a fair deal of inspiration on how to incorporate the oil in your diet - so far I've been using it in my smoothies and the other day Justin cooked spaghetti with it! When you add a spoon in your smoothie or juice, you won't even know it's there!
The last addition to my clear skin regime are Chia seeds. They are seeds of Salvia Hispanica and are apparently considered as 'superfood'. In the evening I put two spoonfuls into a jug full of water, leave in the fridge overnight & the next day you find the seeds have absorbed the water, expanded and are covered in jelly-like pouches. It sounds rather strange, but when you add a spoon or two of this mixture into your smoothie or juice (ideally together with the omega oil), you'll soon get hooked on it! The seeds are tasteless and won't change the taste of the drink at all. Lately I've been enjoying them in my Asda Strawberry Daiquiri (a very thick strawberry juice *nom nom nom*), which makes the juice taste more like a smoothie with strawberry seeds still in it. The seeds have got about million health benefits - from omega 3 to zinc, selenium and fibre and loads more. Even Cookie is intrigued and keeps trying to steal my drink every time I have it!
The last addition to my clear skin regime are Chia seeds. They are seeds of Salvia Hispanica and are apparently considered as 'superfood'. In the evening I put two spoonfuls into a jug full of water, leave in the fridge overnight & the next day you find the seeds have absorbed the water, expanded and are covered in jelly-like pouches. It sounds rather strange, but when you add a spoon or two of this mixture into your smoothie or juice (ideally together with the omega oil), you'll soon get hooked on it! The seeds are tasteless and won't change the taste of the drink at all. Lately I've been enjoying them in my Asda Strawberry Daiquiri (a very thick strawberry juice *nom nom nom*), which makes the juice taste more like a smoothie with strawberry seeds still in it. The seeds have got about million health benefits - from omega 3 to zinc, selenium and fibre and loads more. Even Cookie is intrigued and keeps trying to steal my drink every time I have it!

Results-wise, I've already noticed that my skin looks and feels better after 2 weeks of being on the clear skin regime - not bad! Obviously might be just my break-out goin' away naturally, but I do feel much better overall - my skin feels more hydrated & fresh and my tummy is having the time of its life with just little tummy pain after chocolate cakes & KFC chicken wings, haha!
What do you do for your skin from the within?