Havin' a little kitten in the flat that doesn't have vent windows can sometimes be a pain. Nasal pain. Well, basically you wake up suffocating because of Cookie's farts most of the days (is this a tad too much information?). So havin' a good air freshener is a must. I know, I know there are loads of Airwicks and such, but man, they all smell like they should stay in the bathroom - that sort of artificial chemical you don't want to be inhaling while eating your dinner. These room & linen sprays however smell more like body sprays or body mists if anything. I love the Good night one because it makes even your sheets smell so good, and the Black cherry one because it reminds me of late summer and crunchy cherries I used to eat back home. They cost about £1.50 when on sale (i.e. every other month, so don't you dare buy them for the full price of £4!) and do the job better than anything I've tried so far. Well, an obvious alternative is a candle but you can imagine that that can be a little risky to have a candle on in every single room with a crazy Cookie monsterieto runnin' about.
Have you tried any of these room sprays?
Which one is your favourite?