Happy Easter everyone! I hope you've had a good one this year!
I've decided to go rather traditional Czech this year and painted some hard boiled eggs, got myself a traditional willow whip with colourful ribbons and.. an English roast. Well, am living in England so can't force it, right? Ha!
For those who might be interested - here's how I've painted (read dyed and put stickers on them) this year's Easter eggs. All you do is really get hard boiled eggs and egg dye/stickers ready, fill in a glass of warm water with a spoon of vinegar per each tablet of dye and dip the eggs in them.
As to the stickers, they work like temporary tattoos - you cut them up, let them soak in warm water and then carefully transfer the pictures on eggs, drying with a soft towel.
Cookie loved the Easter eggs too, haha! Cheeky tard!
Just for the reference, I did not cook this myself, don't be crazy. All the credit goes to the boy.
How did YOU celebrate Easter this year?