My hair is a bit of a pain - that's just one of the reasons why I don't tend to blog about it a lot. Another reason is that I'm just a little skint so don't feel right spendin' money on hairdresser's *sigh*. As a result, most of the time my hair is scrunched up in a messy bun, in a sleek bun, or even in a pony tail when it's havin' a good day! If you've been readin' my blog for a while, you know that my hair is very straight, thick and almost wire-like, so what I like doin' with it for an occasion is curlin' it with hair straighteners! This time I tried Karmin Salon Pro 3G hair straighteners* - but have they managed to tame my horse mane?!

Well, yes & no. When I first started using hair straighteners I had an old Remington pair. It was alright but it did struggle to keep my hair in a curl for longer than 5 minutes. Then (by that time I still had no clue what beauty blogs were or that brands like Nars existed) recommended me to try her Cloud Nine's. Oh dear. Life-changing. I haven't stopped using them since! So before I start ramblin' on about Karmin - there is a strong competition in my hair straightening background for them!
Karmin Salon Pro 3G comes in a very nice packaging - very sleek & modern. I really do like that it comes with a heat mat - I was gettin' a bit tired of pullin' out my chopping board for every single hair curling action to be fair. The cord is long enough (although you have to buy a UK-US adaptor for the plug as it's a US brand - it costs about £3 and if you have a skilled DIY boyfriend, it's apparently super easy to actually swap the ends!), the plates leave no gap in between when you close them together, the temperature comes up to 240°C (check out the smart chart below - courtesy of Beyas).
There's nothing really I could moan about - the product looks perfect to me! Now to the performance.

As I said my hair is very very thick, on a number of occasions I've actually been asked whether I've got Asian ancestors - that's how coarse it can be, so curling it is not exactly an easy thing to do. Karmin struggled a bit to say the truth. But then I do believe this is purely down to my hair type - with the amount of hair I've got and it's coarseness, you have to curl your hair in chunks, otherwise you'd spend about an hour doin' it. And Karmin doesn't agree with bigger chunks of hair, no no. It curled them but the curl stayed just in the ends, not in the length - not at all. When I curled little sections, they were beyond perfect - very strong curls, almost ringlets, I'd say! The hair was smooth and glossy after I used Karmin and what I really liked was that it didn't create as much steam as my Cloud Nine's do - you know the panic of settin' off a fire alarm if you live in halls, haha!

Overall, I would recommend Karmin to people with thinner hair who want a really strong effect or for people who do have time to spend a tad longer curling their hair - because this product will deliver great results for you! I also think that it would be great for actual straightening (doh, it's a straightener!) as it seems to be very effective!
What's your all time favourite curling tool or hair straighteners?