There are so many reviews out there on this infamous little beauty - Maybelline ColorSensational Popstick, so don't expect this to be some sort of yet another deep review post. Today's post is rather a little musing over this absolutely stunning product. I got this when I was back in Czech Republic on holidays a few months back. I knew that it was around £6 in the UK, which I wouldn't pay for such a silly little thing, but seeing that regular price in Czech Republic was only about £3, I thought I might as well give it a go.

You know that I'm not a negative review girl. I try and write about nice and pretty things because my blog is my little happy place and the other annoying things I would rant about I try to keep within the borders of the real world (or Twitter). I've read so many reviews on this with a single star/kiss/heart or not even that, claiming it's an absolute rubbish and doesn't do a thing. Well, and all these reviews were probably right - this is an utterly useless product. If anything, it dries my lips out. It smells like bonbons, but I'm very unsure anyone would willingly pay even those £3 to sniff a pink glitter stick in their free time. What I want to say is that this is the prettiest and girliest lipstick I've ever seen in a drugstore! I tried to capture the light reflecting in the glitter but with no great success. It's just a joy to look at it and it makes me smile every time I put it against the light. £3 not very well spent to be honest, sorry Maybelline.
What's your 'absolutely stunning yet useless' product?